A color standard is a sample of the color and gloss you want matched. It can be a section of the product you manufacture or a duplicate of the standard you've developed with your coating supplier. An ideal color standard should be a flat metal panel, approximately 3" X 5" in size.
A color match consists of two main components: color and gloss. When we develop your initial formula your color standard is scanned using a spectrophotometer. The computer then creates a selection of formulas to begin your perfect match. Gloss is equally important. Gloss is evaluated using an electronic gloss meter. Flattening agents are blended into the color until we achieve the proper sheen. Computerized colormatching helps ensure a consistent color every time you order.
Computer technology is an excellent manufacturing tool but is no substitute for the human eye. Final color evaluation is done by human eye under three different light sources: daylight(exterior applications), fluorescent(manufacturing and office environments) and incandescant(home interiors). Every effort is made to achieve a precise match under every lighting condition. Knowing the type of light source you use to evaluate color will help us meet your color match expectations.